About Changing Divorce Lawyers in the Middle of a Case

Divorce Lawyers in a Court Office

Choosing competent divorce lawyers in Pasco County, FL, is one of the most important decisions you will make—not only in your case, but in your entire life. While it is rare to run into a problem with the attorney you pick, if you notice they do not have your best intentions in mind, then it is time to consider replacing them with a law firm or lawyer that will fight for you.

Generally, you can change your attorney at any point in your divorce case. A possible exception to this right will be if you are either very close to or in the middle of a trial; otherwise, it is fair game to find someone new if your current attorney-client relationship has turned sour.

However, before you change your divorce attorney, it is essential to figure out why you want to make the change. What is the problem? Where is it coming from? Is the attorney leading you down the wrong path, or are you getting in your own way? Remember, divorce attorneys likely see a lot of court cases throughout their career—but this might be your first and only experience in divorce court. So, some of the things you might think are “issues” might not be as nefarious as they appear, but are simply part of the process.

If you don’t have unrealistic expectations, then there is a chance your attorney could be the problem. Some of the red flags to look for to see that your attorney isn’t acting in your best interest include:

  • Not Returning Your Calls or Emails
  • Missing Court Appearances
  • Not Keeping You Up to Date on Your Case
  • Making Promises & Not Delivering
  • Acting Aggressively to You
  • Refusing to Send You a Bill, Invoice, or Statement of Charges