Help Talk to the Police with a Domestic Abuse Lawyer in Hernando County, FL

Get Help With a Domestic Abuse Lawyer in Hernando County, FL

When you are embroiled in a domestic abuse situation, it pays to have an attorney at your side. This is a time when tensions are high and having a calming presence with you is the best way to move forward calmly with the matter.

For example, a domestic abuse lawyer in Hernando County, FL, from the Law Office of James R. Jones, Jr.., P.A., can work with you to discuss the issue clearly and deliver a statement to the police. If you are wrongly facing an abuse charge, you can also find the support you need with a domestic abuse lawyer representing you.

In either instance, an experienced attorney can assess the statement you have made or any others delivered concerning the case. Your lawyer can also help you understand the value and impact of any evidence that has been gathered or is missing.

Your lawyer can help protect you by filing a restraining order but also can uphold your rights if you are fighting an abuse allegation. We understand that there are two sides to each story, and in some cases, false charges can be used as a weapon in a divorce proceeding.

Consult with us at the Law Office of James R. Jones, Jr., P.A., about your domestic abuse situation.