Construction-Related Injuries That Require a Personal Injury Lawyer in Hernando County, FL

Construction work can be dangerous, putting workers at risk of suffering injuries while on the job. The alarming statistics show that construction workers are at a higher risk of getting injured or killed compared to workers in other industries.

Despite the countless safety precautions and protocols that construction companies have put in place, accidents still occur. That’s why it’s important to understand the types of construction-related personal injuries and the actions to take in case of an accident.

At the Law Office of James R. Jones, JR., P.A, we have been helping individuals injured in construction accidents for years. Our experienced personal injury lawyer in Hernando County, FL, is here to offer guidance and legal assistance to ensure that our clients get the justice they deserve.

Slips or Falls – Slippery surfaces, uneven walkways, or incomplete guardrails can cause a construction worker to slip or trip, resulting in falls on the construction site. These falls can cause fractures and head and spinal injuries. A personal injury lawyer can help workers understand their rights and build a strong case against the liable party.

Electrocution – Electrical accidents are common in construction sites and can be fatal. Electrical injuries can result from contact with powerful electrical lines, poorly installed tools, or exposure to faulty wiring. A personal injury lawyer can help workers understand who is liable for the accidents and what compensation is available to cover their medical bills, lost wages, and other expenses.

Falling Objects – Construction sites have numerous cranes, heavy machinery, and tools, creating a high risk of injury to workers. These objects can fall from great heights and cause serious injury or even death to workers below. A personal injury lawyer can help establish the responsible party and hold them liable for the worker’s injuries.

Machinery Accidents – Heavy machinery used in construction sites can cause serious injuries such as amputations, burns, and crush injuries. Machinery accidents can result from inadequate safety measures, insufficient training or supervision, or equipment malfunction. Personal injury lawyers can help workers understand their rights and can help them hold the company or manufacturer accountable for the faulty machinery.

Vehicle Accidents – Large vehicles such as trucks and cranes are commonly used in construction sites, and accidents can occur when these vehicles collide with other vehicles or workers. Injury victims may be able to seek compensation for their medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering from liable parties.