Prenuptial Agreement in Spring Hill, FL

Getting married is an exciting time in your life, and perhaps one of the most important. That’s why preparing with a prenuptial agreement in Spring Hill, FL, is essential to your future happiness and security. With a prenup, it’s easy to ensure you and your partner are protected years down the road in the event of the unexpected. The Law Office of James R. Jones Jr., P.A. can help you get started today.

Do You Need a Prenup?

While not every couple requires a prenuptial agreement, there are times when couples prefer to protect substantial assets before entering a marriage. Such assets could include property, businesses, and similar items. A prenuptial agreement can also set expectations about post-divorce behavior and arrangements, including matters of alimony.

Many couples feel as though prenuptials signify a lack of trust in their partners, but nothing could be further from the truth. You wouldn’t drive a car, for example, without insurance – why would you enter a marriage unprotected? Life can be unpredictable, and if you have any doubts about what the future holds, it’s a good idea to create a contract before marriage that outlines you and your partner’s expectations.

Get Legal Advice for Your Prenuptial Agreement

When you’re considering entering a marriage with substantial assets, it’s important to discuss your steps with a qualified attorney. Mr. Jones and his skilled staff provide legal advice for your prenuptial agreement, as well as ensure all of your (or your partner’s) requirements are enforceable later on. Let us help you check your prenup for missing details or important clauses.

We Also Create Postnuptial Agreements

Much like prenuptial agreements, postnuptial agreements are contracts that provide specific instructions about the dissolution of a marriage (separation or divorce). However, they are created after a marriage, rather than before. Postnuptials can also include information about the fair distribution of assets, alimony, child custody and other essential details.

Know Your Rights

When creating a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement, you deserve freedom from coercion or intimidation during the process. An attorney like Mr. Jones can help you understand what you’re agreeing to before you sign any documentation. Our mission is to ensure you’re fully informed and protected in the event of the unexpected occurring years down the road.

Contact our firm to enlist our assistance in creating your prenuptial agreement. We proudly serve clients in Spring Hill, Florida, and surrounding areas.