couple sitting on a couch facing away from each other

Is It Time for a Divorce?

It’s natural for relationships to change and arguments to occur throughout a marriage. But that only makes it more difficult to determine when it’s best to move on from a relationship permanently. How do you know whether it is time to divorce?

Our divorce lawyers in Pasco County, Florida, have worked with countless couples at the end of their marriage. Some people part amicably; others don’t. Regardless of the circumstances, we consider these to be the top signs that you’re better off splitting than salvaging your marriage:

You Can No Longer Communicate: Does every discussion turn into an argument? Is your spouse more of a stonewaller than a collaborator? Marriage counseling can help resolve communication issues, but if you’re still struggling to communicate after seeking professional help, your partnership is likely a lost cause.

You’re Always Walking on Eggshells: As divorce lawyers, we hear this all the time: a couple thinks they’ve been keeping the peace by treading cautiously, but they are truly just repressing their feelings. Eventually, something will break, and the fallout is damaging.

You No Longer Trust Each Other: While it’s natural to have multiple people you confide in and vent to, your spouse should be one of them. If you no longer find yourself turning to your spouse during stressful times, it’s a clear signal that you’ve lost emotional trust in them.
You Don’t Feel Like Yourself Anymore: Marriage changes people, but it shouldn’t erase or suppress your identity. If you feel like you’ve become a diminished or worse version of yourself and therapy doesn’t help, it’s time to talk to divorce lawyers.