Can You Oppose a Divorce?

Lawyer Mediating a Divorce

Sometimes, both parties in a divorce agree that it’s time to end the marriage. Other times, one person disagrees. The following is the basic information you should know about your options if you’re opposed to divorcing. Talk to one of the most experienced divorce lawyers in Pasco County, Florida, to get insight into the particulars of your situation.

Florida Is a No-Fault State

As a no-fault state, Florida law dictates that it’s only necessary for one spouse to claim the marriage is irretrievably broken and request divorce proceedings. Ignoring the divorce petition is not an option. If you fail to respond, you will give up your chance to contest the divorce and will have a default judgment entered against you.

You Have the Right to Request Counseling

While you cannot outright stop the divorce proceedings, you can request that you and your spouse undergo counseling or mediation. As a result of these sessions, your spouse may change their mind and drop the divorce petition. However, as divorce lawyers will tell you, most people have made up their minds by the time they initiate a divorce; changes of heart are uncommon. That said, if you’re committed to fixing your relationship and maintaining the marriage, counseling or mediation is your best chance.